Thursday, December 28, 2023

PCC Memories

 I've been working on this for about a month, off and on. It started with the foreground guy's eye and worked its way outwards, with no clear direction known.  I have no idea what it's supposed to be about beyond the obvious subject matter, but for some reason it has held my interest long enough to get this far. It's now at the point where I could tweak it indefinitely, but would be unlikely to improve it significantly and would probably introduce regressions. I'll let it marinate a while. I'm thinking of using it as the basis for my first larger etching.

pencil drawing of trolley interior with balding man on denim jacket and introspective expression in foreground. In the middle ground is a Black woman and her young daughter. who holds her mother's arm and looks on as the mother makes notes in a very large book on her lap. Behind them are a middle-aged white woman, a man mostly obscured behind his newspaper, a Black man with close cropped hair, a young white woman with long hair, and a whit student type man with a backpack standing in back.

Slideshow of its various states of development and revision.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Self Portrait at 70 with New Hat

I just turned 70, and my beloved gave me a very spiffy new hat! My old hat had rendered many years of faithful service but had clearly been through the wars and was ready for retirement. Anyone who does outdoor artwork needs a serviceable hat, weatherproof, flexible, and with a broad brim to defend against the elements and shade one's eyes against the glare.

Ink drawing of man in three-quarter view wearing broad brimmed hat

Large mirror leaning against bookcase with small mirror supported by C-stand, used to make self-portrait, with drawing on chair in foreground

Double mirror setup I used for the drawing,

Man wearing beat up old hat with doleful expression

Old hat

Man wearing spiffy new hat with joyful expression

New hat

Sunday, December 3, 2023

First test of the new etching tank

I added some lines to the same plate I used the test the press, and bit it in the new tank. It worked fine. The next step is break out a fresh plate and try one for real.

Etching of loosely drawn figure in three quarter back view, looking out over river valley with bridge and mountains in background

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Etching tank

 Having gotten a larger etching press, I needed a larger etching tank. As far as I could tell, the official vertical etching tanks on offer were larger than I needed, expensive, and requiring a lot more ferric chloride to fill them up. My friend Chris Wirth tracked down this cereal container which is the right size, but I wanted to make a different top with a slot to hang the plate through. 

Translucent plastic cereal container containing dark brown liquid. Handwritten label says "Ferric Chloride 42 degrees Baume"

After making a couple of kludgy prototypes based on replicating the oval shape of the top, 

Two plexiglass oval shapes with slots on worktable. One has vinyl weather stripping glued onto edge, other has bent paper clips taped around the edge.

I ended up making a box to hold the tank with a slotted top and a little bridge to stick the end of the tape suspending the plate to. Next step is to try actually biting a plate - should accommodate plates up to about 9" x 12".

Wooden frame enclosing plastic container with slotted top and plexiglass bridge next to slot.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Path into the woods

The last time I visited this place it was July and hot as Hades. Today was warmish for November but the sun was already to set behind the bare trees at 2:30 PM. I just had a short time to catch the light in the foreground, the shadow in the woods, and the beckoning light farther down the path.

Pen and wash drawing of path entering woods. The meadow and foliage in the foreground are sunlit, the path is in shadow, and more sunlight shows through the trees from a clearing farther down the path.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Abandoned Getty station

 Today I am thankful that they didn't tear down this skeevy old abandoned Getty station before I had a chance to paint it again. I did a little watercolor sketch back in April and always wanted come back and do a larger oil painting. This what I was able to do in about two hours - the drawing and overall block in.

Bicycle with pochade box mounted instead of seat with umbrella attached to frame. Old gas station with red canopy in background and depicted on canvas panel in pochade box.

Oil painting of abandoned gas station with brown trees in background and asphalt road in foreground.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Happy birthday Benoit B Mandelbrot

 Today is the birthday of Benoit B Mandelbrot, the pioneering French mathematician who discovered fractals and changed forever the way we think about clouds, coastlines, and screen savers. This vision of self-similar cereal came to me in a dream, from which I awoke LMAO (my hypnopompic brain is easily amused).

Watercolor and ink drawing of a cereal box with a picture of an enlarged oat flake, with recursive self-similar flakelets emerging form its five sides. Large text across the top says "MandelbrOats." Smaller text across bottom says "The self-similar cereal."

Friday, November 17, 2023


Three small plates, of which the bottom two were originally one till I cut it in half, printed together on the new etching press.

They make an enigmatic statement , no?

Etching of three plates printed together. The top plate depicts a mother applying sunscreen to her daughter's nose with with a huge wave breaking in the background. The two bottom plates show a woman and a man, each looking at a window or opening that extends across the two plates.

Etching press with three plates arranged on the bed.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

New etching press, first print!

Just got my new etching press, and pulled a test print using a plate I had started at a workshop last spring. The drawing itself is no great shakes, but the print quality far exceeded my expectations given the number of variables (pressure, paper wetness, ink consistency, etc) any one of which can scuttle the whole operation.

The press is an RLV A3 size (12" x 17") bed, from South Africa. I've been gradually working up to this investment for some time, starting with drypoints on plexiglass printed by rubbing with a spoon or baren and then tiny etchings printed with an Open Press Project press. I need to get or make a few more things to actually etch larger pieces but then I should be turning out prints up to 8" or 9" wide.

Etching press on desk with plate and print on bed

Etching of loosely drawn figure in three quarter back view, looking out over river valley with bridge and mountains in background

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Lake Warner Shadow

I was struck by the bright light on the yellow tree and the cast shadow with hot colors glowing out of it.

I worked on it over two visits to the site in my kayak, Sketchpad*L, with additional touching up at home. I'm calling it done for now - it's at that dangerous stage where I'm tempted to do little tweaks and details that could lead to killing the original feeling. I'll let it marinate for a while and see if there is really anything that needs to be added or subtracted.

Oil on linen panel

6" x 8"

Oil painting of trees in fall colors reflected in calm lake water under an overcast sky. A bright yellow tree on the left catches the sunlight and casts a dark shadow to the right.

Pochade box mounted on kayak with brushes, knives, palette etc and early stage of painting of trees and water.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

UMass goal posts

 I started this while waiting for a friend and worked on it some more at home. I lost some of the feeling while chasing after the literal details.

watercolor sketch of athletic field with goal posts. Trees with fall foliage and purple hill in background.

Monday, September 25, 2023

 "Farmall" won the 2nd place award for graphics in the 5th Annual Northeast Fine Arts Exhibition in Ware, MA. First photo shows the scratchboard in situ; beneath it is a classy metal plaque reading:

Northeast Fine Arts Exhibition


2nd Place Drawing/Graphics


Scratchboard drawing hanging on gallery wall. A middle-aged man looks back over his shoulder at a discarded tractor lurking in a patch of trees by a plowed field of stubble in late afternoon light.

Also on display is "Sunscreen," hung high on the wall, so I didn't get a good shot over people's heads. There was a great turnout at the opening and lots of good artwork. Stop by if you can.

Pastel painting hanging on gallery wall, depicting a mother applying sunscreen to little daughter's nose. Behind them, a very large wave is breaking

Show Dates and Times:

September 23rd to October 8th, 2023

Fridays | 4 to 7 pm

Saturdays & Sundays | 1 to 4 pm

Workshop 13

13 Church St

Ware, MA 01082

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

 Railroad crossing signals on Wason Ave, Springfield MA. A couple more attempts at a scene I did back on August 30. That one I touched up at home with corroborative detail from memory and photo; these are all done on site. The first one is from today, I'm pretty happy with it. The second one, from two weeks ago, was actually going OK until my water brush blorched diluted ink all over the place. It's a good exercise in getting the scale and proportions down.

Pen and ink sketch of railroad crossing signals with gates, on gray toned paper

Pen and ink sketch of railroad crossing signals with gates, on tan toned paper, with blotchy ink runs here and there.

 Cori, Zoe, and Shed Roof on display at the 30th Regional Piedmont Art Show in Somers, CT.

Pencil and gouache drawing of nude woman, seated, with face mask, hanging on gallery wall. Labels on left side say "Cori" Pencil/gouache Matthew Mattingly Merit Award A powerful drawing that is infused with knowledge and experience .

Pencil and gouache drawing of nude woman, reclining, hanging on gallery wall. Label on left side says "Zoe" Pencil/gouache Matthew Mattingly

Oil painting of house with snow blowing off of roof, hanging on gallery wall. Label on left side says "Shed Roof" Oil Matthew Mattingly

It's a nice show - check it out if you're in the neighborhood.

Show hours

Sept 21 - 22 12:00 - 4:00

Sept 23 - 24. 10:00 - 2:00

Sept 28 - 29 12:00 - 4:00

Sept 30 - Oct 1 10:00 - 2:00

Piedmont Hall

604 Main St

Somers, CT 06071

Thursday, September 7, 2023

 Sketched this tree in watercolor today. It was up hill, so my eye level was roughly at the tree's base. The second pic is what I got down in 45 minutes or so on site. It was hot, and the watercolor dried instantly. Not sure if all my subsequent overworking made it any better.

Watercolor sketch of tree in strong sunlight, seen looking up from below.

nitial block-in of watercolor sketch of tree.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

 "Cori," "Zoe," and "Shed Roof" have been accepted for the 30th Regional Piedmont Art Show in Somers, CT.

Cori got a Merit Award.

Pencil and gouache drawing of nude woman, seated, with face mask


Pencil, gouache on toned paper

12" x 9.5"

Pencil and gouache drawing of nude woman, reclining


Pencil, gouache on toned paper

9.5" x 9.5"

Oil painting of house with snow blowing off of roof

Shed Roof

Oil on panel

10" x 12"

Opening reception

September 17 2023 1:00 - 3:00

Show hours

Sept 21 - 22 12:00 - 4:00

Sept 23 - 24. 10:00 - 2:00

Sept 28 - 29 12:00 - 4:00

Sept 30 - Oct 1 10:00 - 2:00

Piedmont Hall

604 Main St

Somers, CT 06071

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

RR Crossing signals

RR Crossing signals on Wason St, Springfield, MA.

Pen and ink, ink wash, touches of white ink

6" x 4"

Pen and ink sketch of railroad crossing signals with gates.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

5th Annual Northeast Fine Arts Exhibition

 "Sunscreen" and "Farmall" have been juried into the upcoming 5th Annual Northeast Fine Arts Exhibition in Ware, MA.

Pastel painting of mother applying sunscreen to little daughter's nose. Behind them, a very large wave is breaking



13.5" x 24"

Scratchboard drawing. A middle-aged man looks back over his shoulder at a discarded tractor lurking in a patch of trees by a plowed field of stubble in late afternoon light



9" x 14"

Show Dates and Times:

September 23rd to October 8th, 2023

Fridays | 4 to 7 pm

Saturdays & Sundays | 1 to 4 pm

Opening Reception

Saturday, September 23rd | 1 to 4 pm

Awards, 3 pm

Workshop 13

13 Church St

Ware, MA 01082

Railroad bridge and power plant

 Back to the river view with railroad bridge and power plant, this time in watercolor. The second pic is what I was able to get in about an hour on site, blocking in the main shapes and noting the ripple patterns on the water. The details were added later from memory.

Watercolor sketch of river view with railroad bridge and power plant

Preliminary block-in for watercolor sketch of river view with railroad bridge and power plant

Sunday, August 20, 2023

A Vermont Farm

 Rooting around in the dusty archives I came across this early landmark in my artistic career. "A Vermont Farm", pencil on lined notebook paper, done when I was in fourth grade and probably should have been paying attention to long division. It won first prize in the 1962 NSA (yes, that NSA) Children's Art Show.

Child's drawing of farmhouse, barn, pickup truck, tree, wagon and fence, mounted on red posterboard. Gold star and blue ribbon affixed upper right. Label lower left reads : "A Vermont Farm Matthew D. Mattingly Grade IV Ignatius G. Mattingly X7134

Child's drawing of farmhouse, barn, pickup truck, tree, wagon and fence.

Close up of gold star, with scratched inscription: "1962 NSA Children's Art Show First Prize Group II

Friday, August 11, 2023

Railroad bridge and power plant on CT River

 Another depiction looking south from the North End Bridge overlooking the Connecticut River in Springfield MA. There were dark and light clouds scudding across the sky and plenty of atmospheric haze at ground level. My usual practice is to try to keep the lights and dark separate, with paper tone as the middle value, but this time I tried scumbling the white gouache over the dark ink wash to indicate the haze in front of the distant trees. I used a similar approach to suggest the water, which had still, reflective areas interspersed with opaque ruffles.

Pen and ink sketch with ink wash and white gouache, depicting a river view with railroad bridge and power plant against dark and light clouds.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Connecticut River levee

 While my daughter and her entourage were selecting her wedding dress(!) I went out behind the shopping mall in search of something to sketch. Satellite imagery had shown that the mall backed up on the Connecticut River, separated by what appeared to be a strip of rough grass; on the ground this turned to be a very high levee, which is a good thing as the river has been running high and there has been a lot of flooding in the area. Anyway, I went ahead and did this watercolor of the levee and the line of darling violet flowers shining in the sun against the dark tree shadows.

Watercolor sketch of grassy levee sloping up to dark trees against a partly cloudy sky. Against the tree shadows, a line of violet flowers atop the levee shins in the sun. Bracken and brush appear in the foreground.

Friday, July 7, 2023

Access road

 I revisited this access road in a wooded area I had sketched back in May, now with even more intense light and shadow in the shimmering heat. I could feel the sun burning my sandaled toes, so I didn't stay very long, and finished it at home from memory and photo ref.

Pen and ink wash sketch of foliage brilliantly illuminated against dark trees

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

New Sketchbook

 Process pix from the making of a new Montanapolitancroptic sketchbook, along with a few faves from the old one.

Paper signatures, dental floss, bookbinding tools on cutting mat

Sketchbook pages and covers bound with coptic stitch

Sketchbook open, showing stitched in paper stub to which inner double spread page will be glued.

Complete sketchbook, front view

Completed sketchbook, back view
Pen and ink sketch of obelisks at UMass Sun Wheel

Pen and ink sketch of old house with mansard roof and spooky vibe

Watercolor sketch of abandoned gas station with flat red roof and highway guard rail in foreground.

Watercolor sketch of Connecticut River from North End Bridge in Springfield, MA. Railroad bridge and power plant visible in hazy distance.


Watercolor sketch of choppy waves under pearlescent sky with gray clouds.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Portrait of my father

 I did this portrait of my father when I was in art school, circa 1976-77. The only way he would consent to sit was if he could continue to work at his desk. So it's a much more characteristic picture of him than if he'd been posing for a portrait. It hung over his mantlepiece for many years.

Oil painting of a man working at desk with book and many papers scattered in foreground. He wears a brown jacket, glasses, and is writing with a yellow pencil.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Power plant and railroad bridge

 Another sketch of the power plant and railroad bridge as seen from the North End Bridge in Springfield, MA.

Pen and ink wash sketch of power plant and railroad bridge with Connecticut River in foreground, against hazy white sky..

Pen, ink wash, and white gouache on toned paper 4" x 6"

Friday, June 9, 2023

Long Point Light revisited

 I reworked this sketch of Long Point Light after an artist friend exhorted me to give the water more of a sense of depth and distance.

alt="Watercolor sketch of Long Point Lighthouse, appearing as a tiny white rectangle on the horizon, dwarfed by the sky and water. The receding crests of the waves on Cape Cod Bay convey a sense of depth and distance."

Earlier version of Long Point Lighthouse sketch, with water rendered loosely and with less sense of depth.

Watercolor 4" x 6"