Actually, it is perfectly respectable, home to doctors' offices, small businesses, and condos, but very striking in its Addams/Hopper/Bates-y way.
ink on toned paper
4" x 6"
Artworks, writing and contraptions
Actually, it is perfectly respectable, home to doctors' offices, small businesses, and condos, but very striking in its Addams/Hopper/Bates-y way.
ink on toned paper
4" x 6"
Backyard Snow has now been accepted to the Workshop13 6th Annual Northeast Fine Arts Exhibition of Traditional Realism in Ware, MA.
It was on a waitlist - if other accepted entries couldn't make it for some reason, it would be selected. Now I can call off my Kind Hearts and Coronets operation.
Workshop13 Grand Hall
13 Church Street
Ware, MA 01082
Show Dates and Times:
September 28 to October 13, 2024
Fridays | 4 to 7 pm
Saturdays & Sundays | 1 to 4 pm
Opening Reception:
Saturday, September 28 | 1 to 4 pm
Awards, 3 pm
Breakwater Afternoon will be part of the Workshop13 6th Annual Northeast Fine Arts Exhibition of Traditional Realism in Ware, MA.
Workshop13 Grand Hall
13 Church Street
Ware, MA 01082
Show Dates and Times:
September 28 to October 13, 2024
Fridays | 4 to 7 pm
Saturdays & Sundays | 1 to 4 pm
Opening Reception:
Saturday, September 28 | 1 to 4 pm
Awards, 3 pm
I had about 30 minutes during which I did a pencil sketch, then messed around with it at home. The X shaped sign reminded me of James Gurney's analysis of the Rembrandt windmill and putting light against dark, dark against light, light against light, and dark against dark; so I tried to get something like that going. I ended up getting more into the overall flow of light, with the RR signal acting as a kind of photonic antenna or Van de Graaff generator.
The same subject painted from opposite sides in the morning and afternoon. I just realized, it kind of reminds me of the Sphinx, who asked that riddle about who walks on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon and three in the evening. I'll have to go back and do an evening version.
These three pieces have been accepted into the 31st Regional Juried Piedmont Art Show.
Breakwater, Morning
Three Women etching
Piedmont Hall
604 Main Street
Somers, CT 06071
Hours (Thursday - Sunday):
Sept 19 - 21 12pm - 4pm
Sept 21 - 22 10am - 2pm
Sept 26 - 27 12pm - 4pm
Sept 28 - 29 10am - 2pm
OPENING RECEPTION September 15th 1-3pm
Awards at 1:30 pm